South West Region

Radio Room Telephone: 604-586-2665 or 604-586-4083
14292  Green Timbers Way, Surrey, 604-586-4390, Fax: 604-586-4334
Callsign: VE7SWF
VE7SWF supports the South West Region Provincial Regional Emergency Operations Centre (PREOC).


How to contact VE7SWF

The preferred method is data rather than voice. If you cannot get through peer to peer, send the message via Winlink.

HF Data

80m Primary Always On 40m Alternate at Discretion of Station Manager
3.6150 MHz USB (Centre)

3.6135 MHz USB (Dial)

7.0910 MHz USB (Centre)

7.0895 MHz USB (Dial)

HF Voice

Band Frequency MHz Alternate Frequency MHz Notes
80m 3.735 LSB 3.745 LSB Primary
40m 7.060 LSB 7.070 LSB At discretion of Station Manager
20m 14.135 USB At discretion of Station Manager
15m 21.120 USB 21.130 USB At discretion of Station Manager
10m 28.420 USB 28.430 USB At discretion of Station Manager



INCOMING TO SURREY PREOC                   Tactical – “Surrey PREOC”
Regional Repeaters 146.415 (s) PREOC VHF Net Frequency


SW PREOC 146.415 (s)                                                ALWAYS ON

b/u 146.940 (-)                                                               ALWAYS ON
Region Check-in 146.940 (-) GVRD Area
146.610 (-) T110.9                                                          At discretion of Station Manager

147.320 (+) Fraser Valley Area
146.680 (-) Shared With Island Fraser Valley (B/U)      At discretion of Station Manager
Shared with Island Sea to Sky
Other Cities and Municipalities à As per the SW Frequency Plan
Agencies 146.415 (s) Or as per the SW Frequency Plan
146.940 (-)
Shared  (Grp. 2) 146.490 (s) Not monitored.  Will move to for handling traffic  etc.


UHF Packet  Currently DOWN

443.425 Repeater       VE7TEL-6    604433

443.075 Repeater       VE7HNY-6   604465