Mini-Exercise Feb 10, 2016

VE7PEP participated in a mini-exercise along with the EOC radio rooms of Victoria, Esquimalt, Oak Bay and CRD. The scenario was a large earthquake event 100 km west of Victoria which impacted telecommunications. Radio Operators included Russell Gaudin (VA7RPG), Kyle Gillespie (VE7ZXT), Nelson Dewey (VE7FTL) and Neil Townsend (VE7NIL). AJ Bryan (VE7KSN) was participating in the exercise as an EMBC staff member.

Kyle Gillespie (VE7ZXT) working three packet radios in the foreground and Nelson Dewey (VE7FTL) working HF voice and PACTOR in the background

Kyle Gillespie (VE7ZXT) working three packet radios in the foreground and Nelson Dewey (VE7FTL) working HF voice and PACTOR in the background