Welcome to the PERCS website

The Provincial Emergency Radio Communications Service (PERCS) provides an identity for amateur radio volunteers who provide Emergency Radio Communications in the Province of British Columbia in support of their local municipality, the Ministry of Emergency Management and Climate Readiness (EMCR) or other response agencies.

Through PERCS, amateur radio emergency communication is jointly coordinated in the Province of BC through EMCR working in partnership with Radio Amateurs of Canada. This relationship has been formalized through a Letter of Understanding.


EMCR is organized into six regions.

Information on local Emergency Radio Communications groups is available on the links page.

An HF Net is held every Wednesday at 1845 hours on 3.735 MHz LSB. Then at 1900 hours we move to 7.275 MHz LSB. Net control on 1st, 3rd and 5th Wed is VE7SWF (South West PREOC) and on 2nd and 4th Wed is VE7PEP (Vancouver Island PREOC) .